The Best Bible Study Tips For Beginners



Growing up in a strict household, the focus was always on doing the “right things.” Things like attending church every Sunday (and sometimes during the week), reciting prayers, and respecting my parents. We never read the Bible in our house. That seems kind of strange, right? There were times when I tried to read an entire chapter or book (beyond the short mass readings I was used to) but always gave up pretty fast. There was no one there to encourage or give me any Bible study tips. It honestly felt overwhelming and beyond my grasp.

In my late 20’s, when I started to lean and eventually convert to a Protestant denomination, I was very happy to see how much emphasis was placed on having a strong biblical foundation. It no longer seemed inaccessible to me. The Bible has become my favorite book and I am so excited to share with you how much it has changed my life.

I wish there had been a resource for me when I was trying to read the Bible in my younger years. That’s why I put together this list of Bible study tips for you. I hope that they help you along and prevent any discouragement. Don’t give up! I promise, it is worth it. There is so much wisdom and encouragement just waiting for you.

bible study set-up with bible and reading glasses

My Top 10 Bible Study Tips

1. Just start.

It can be daunting, I know. Especially if you’ve tried to study the Bible in the past and stopped for whatever reason. Are you like me and have started a million Bible study books, but never finish them? I think ultimately it’s because I get tired of all the flipping around. I would much rather prefer reading an entire book of the Bible. That way I’m really able to understand the context of the book and the whole story that’s being presented. (More on that to come). What I think I’m really trying to say is that the perfect time to start reading the Bible is right now!

2. Pick a translation that works best for you.

Do your research. Use a Bible website or app to get a sampling of different translations. Talk to friends or pastors. A big part of studying the Bible is being able to READ it. If you’re trying to read something in the KJV (King James Version), it may be more of a struggle than if you are trying to read the ESV (English Standard Version).

3. Find a bible study plan or community.

There may be a book of the bible that interests you, great, you could start with that one. If you are in need of a little more direction, there are plenty of bible reading plans out there. I’m working on one for the Gospel of Mark that will hopefully be available to you soon! If you’re looking for a little more support along the path, find a community that is reading through the same book at the same time (together). Or ask a friend to go through the same plan as you so you can hold each other accountable.

4. Schedule it.

Pick a time that is best for you and then make it non-negotiable. For me, this is first thing in the morning before the rest of my family wakes up. I set my alarm for 5:15 am, get my clothes, bible and coffee essentials ready the night before, and then keep the promise to myself that I will spend the time with Jesus. Yes, sometimes things happen. One of my kids is up a lot in the middle of the night or they wake up super early for example. There are times that I give myself the grace to do it at another time of day, but I am very consistent overall with keeping that time sacred.

5. Learn a little bit about the book before you dive in and study it.

Who wrote the book? When was it written? Who was the book written to? By answering these questions before you begin your Bible study, you can actually learn a lot about what you’re going to read. A letter will seem quite different than a gospel. The study Bible that I use has all this information at the start of each book.

a woman using bible study tips

6. Write down your questions.

Before I really study my way through a book of the Bible, I read through the entire book once and then write down any questions I may have. Then, as I slowly make my way through again, I take the time to find the answers to my questions. Commentaries can be helpful for this but my favorite place to go to find answers is Got Questions. It’s okay to not understand a portion of scripture or to not understand something that was said or done, you can always dig for the answers.

7. Use resources to look up word meaning.

This is one of the best bible study tips that I’ve learned through the years. Blue Letter Bible and Bible Hub are great places to start. Sometimes by looking up the definition, you can gain a lot more insight into the true meaning. Remember this is a translation that you’re reading. It’s not the original language. I also like to see how a particular word is used throughout the Bible. It can tell you a lot about it’s importance.

8. Write down what you learn.

Did you discover something that speaks to you? Have you learned more about a quality that God has? Write it down. Keep a notebook separate from your prayer journal where you record all the knowledge that you gain as you make your way through the word. Basically, you’re writing your own Bible commentary. How cool would it be to look back and read through something like that?! To even be able to pass it on to your children or family. What a great legacy you would be leaving.

9. Don’t try to find something about YOU, find what it tells you about GOD.

A struggle that I had when I first started to really read scripture was to always look for an answer to a question that I had. For example, when my husband and I were waiting to conceive our first child. Every morning I prayed for a baby. Every morning I turned to scripture to find out if it would give me answers. Looking back, I know that I missed out on a lot by looking for something to make me feel better. Yes, scripture can do that, but ultimately it is about God and what the bible is trying to tell us about Him. If you ask yourself one question in your daily reading, ask this: what does this verse(s) tell me about God and His story?

10. Remember, there is no perfect way to do it, find what bible study tips work for you and stick with them.

There are so many techniques out there. What works for someone else could be great for you, but on the other hand may not. Once you find a routine and method that works for YOU, stick with it. Who knows, maybe somewhere down the road you may be able to share your own technique with others.

an open bible on a table with a plant and sunlight shining on it

Bible Study Tips Wrap-up

I can’t stress enough how much reading the Bible has changed my life and my heart. Learning more about God, His attributes, and His love has made me a better wife, mom, and person. My prayer for you is that you are able to experience the same fruits in your own life. Reach out if you have any questions, I’m rooting for you!