39 Life Lessons I’ve Learned As I Turn 39

Turning 39 a few weeks ago didn’t hit me as hard as I thought, but really did get me feeling nostalgic. One of my biggest struggles is looking back and having regrets. Things I didn’t do, things I didn’t say, or opportunities I didn’t take. Often, I must remind myself that I am exactly on the path that God has laid out for me. Here are some thoughts and life lessons that I have learned as I look back on the past 39 years. My hope is that they may inspire, encourage, or even make you laugh a little.

  1. Enjoy your parents. Talk to them. Learn everything you can from them. You won’t have them forever.
  2. Find time every day to spend quiet time with God, it’s truly life giving.
  3. Sometimes it’s okay to walk away.
  4. At the same time, try not to burn bridges.
  5. Don’t accidentally unhook your epidural while you’re in active labor.
  6. Ask for help when you need it. You’re not a burden to the people who care for you.
  7. Religious trauma is a real thing.
  8. Find a gospel centered church community that lifts you up and where you feel accepted
  9. Don’t waste your time focusing on what you long to have. Keep your eyes on what’s right in front of you so you don’t miss out on it.
  10. Social media can be positive but can also cause harm. Be aware of how you feel after scrolling and take a break if you need to.
  11. A fresh coat of nail polish will always make you feel better.
  12. Sunshine is an instant mood lifter.
  13. 1997 was the best year for music.
  14. MLM companies are all the same. Don’t fall for the hype. (please don’t @ me for that one)
  15. Some people will use the Word of God in a harmful way, be mindful of who you choose as a teacher.
  16. Pasta tastes better in Italy.
  17. For that matter, food tastes better in Europe.
  18. Don’t spend money on books unless you know you will read them for years to come. The library is cheaper (i.e. free).
  19. People can’t read your mind. Learn to communicate in a healthy way. It will save you a lot of unnecessary frustration in the future.
  20. Practice or learn self-control. It’s one of the best qualities to have.
  21. You don’t need to go to a 4 year college to have a career.
  22. Assume that someone is trying their best before jumping to conclusions.
  23. Try to drink more than enough water every day.
  24. You’ll get hangry if you don’t get enough protein in the morning.
  25. Pickled onions kick every meal up a notch.
  26. Boundaries are important. In all areas of life. Set them and stick with them.
  27. Your friend groups will change as you get older and that’s okay.
  28. Capsule wardrobes make every season so much easier.
  29. Comparison and envy take joy away from your present, don’t fall into the trap. You’re right where you’re meant to be at this moment.
  30. Scrolling on social media is a time waster.
  31. Floss everyday, even if you hate it.
  32. The more “stuff” you have, the more cluttered your mind will be. Get rid of the excess.
  33. Wait 24 hours to buy something you put in your Amazon shopping cart. Most of the time you’ll decide you don’t really need it.
  34. The only thing you can bring to heaven is other people. Read that again.
  35. If you’re a boy mom, you’ll spend a majority of your time stepping on Legos, complaining about Legos, or picking up Legos.
  36. Find a doctor who makes you feel heard and make sure you keep up with your yearly exams.
  37. Let your kids be bored, that’s when their creativity comes out.
  38. God is still good, even when life feels really hard.
  39. Prioritize date night when your kids are young, it’s important to keep that connection when life gets monotonous.